Wednesday, 17 August 2016

It's time to catch up

Hey guys!

So I realise that it has been a while since i've posted anything on this blog so why not catch you guys up on what has been going on for the last few months (Don't even remember when I last posted)

So I went to the Taylor Swift 1989 World Tour on the 12th of December 2015 and that so happened to be her last show for the whole tour!!! I think I made a blog post on this so I won't go into too much detail about that.
This year I began year 11 which also means VCE! but I decided to go down the VSP course which, for those who don't know, is the exact same as VCE but do not sit exams and I go on work placement instead and I get a study period rather than having that one extra class. Not a lot is going on with school, I mean, i'm passing all my classes (Just passing english though) but what I find funny is that I have one teacher for half my subjects which is Theatre Studies, Drama and English. On one hand it's good cause i really build a relationship with the teacher and she understands me more but on the other hand I see her a lot and I can grow tired of hearing the same voice a lot but overall it's good to have her for half my subjects.
For theatre studies we put on a play which was Twelfth Night which is a Shakespearean play and my role was Maria who is the best friend to Olivia. Instead of the play being set in elizabethan times it was set very similar to She's the Man as we set it in an American high school where the main sport was soccer. The blocking went right up until the day before the actual performance and it was such an amazing experience and I absolutely loved my character.
This semester we are doing The Crucible for our play and i'm not happy with my character if i am completely honest. This production is completely student driven so the directors have clearly picked favourites as all of their friends have received the good, big roles and everyone else got shit. As for me I have four lines through out the whole play and that is at the very beginning. The last play was set during the day so none of our family got to see it where now this will be a night performance so my family won't get to see what I can do and they have never seen me perform in this way before so I'm really sad they won't get to see me acting like I did in Twelfth Night. But there is always next year.
As my year level is the first year level to do VCE Drama we had a showcase evening where we presented our ensemble pieces that talked about the plague in the 17th century and i had a big role in this and I was really hoping that my parents would see this, they were going to be late as my mum had a doctors appointment, but unfortunately they only came when i just got off stage so I was really upset that they missed my performance but I can understand.
I auditioned for the school musical which was Annie but I didn't get in as I didn't realise that you had to do a dance audition to get in.
My birthday is soon, August 30th, and my party with my best friend is this Saturday so I am excited for that but i'm also nervous for some reason but I do have anxiety so it's probably that so i'll try not to worry about that too much.

If i'm honest with you there hasn't been a lot that has happened this year that I can really talk about as not a lot has happened and i've had so much homework and assessments to do.

Today I did go see a play for Drama. It was Jasper Jones. This was put on by Melbourne Theatre Company. This has to be one of the best plays that I have ever seen, it has romance, friendship, and mystery and it was brilliantly put together, the stage set just completely blew my mind because there was actual water on the stage like a little pond in the corner of the stage and on the other side of the stage, the main character had to dig and there was actual dirt that he could dig and the hole just kept going down and down and down, IT WAS AMAZING! If any of you guys live in Melbourne I 100% urge that you go and see it.

I've been to a few concerts and shows this year that i'm not going to go into detail about. I firstly saw Halsey at the beginning of the year, I then saw Little Mix and Troye Sivan and soon going to see 5 Seconds of Summer. As for plays I saw The Sound of Music with my Mum, Auntie, Nanna, and little cousin and next week i'm going to see a murder mystery called Curtains with my Mum and Auntie.

I've gone on about a lot in this blog post so i'll wrapped this up right here.
I hope I didn't overwhelm you guys with all this catching up.

Thank you for reading

Saturday, 14 November 2015

It's That Time Of Year Again...


I'm just going to get straight into this because I don't have to beat around the bush.

This week I am starting my last lot of year 10 exams. I made a post last semester about how to study and prepare for your exams and, if i'm honest with you guys, I am defiantly not prepared for the subjects that I have this semester.
I have exams for
1: English
2: History
3: Science/ Physics
4: Commerce
5: Maths

The only subjects I'm not comfortable with is physics and history. Sure I've been studying for them the most but I'm still now good and physics because I can't remember any equations and I'm revising over events that I need to know for history but I'm not going very well at remembering. All that will have to do with my memory because I have a problem with remembering things.
I know that it will all work out and I'll probably just pass these exams (literally I'm no good at ANY of these subjects) and I shouldn't be worrying but I'm just scared I'm gonna fail another subject and I'll have to repeat year 10 because if you fail two subjects you fail the year at my school (I failed French) But I just gotta think positive and hope that I won't fail.
Wish me luck

Thanks for reading

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

The Book I Wish I Had Written

Hey guys

So as you can tell by the title (I seem to always say that) I guess you know what this is gonna be about.
I wish I could have written Girl Online - Zoe Sugg

The reason I wish that I had written that book was because it helped me in so many way like dealing with my anxiety and it helped me write on this blog and gave me an idea of what I wanted to do.
Girl Online to me feels like much more than a book.
It's my BIBLE.
I swear whenever something happens in my life I just think "What would Penny Porter do right now?" and I'm sure that others around the world have done that as well.
This book was beautifully written and paints a beautiful picture in your mind of what was happening and one day I hope I will be able to have enough talent to be able to write like Zoe did.

Not a long blog post but I haven't written in a while and I was thinking of Girl Online and thought I would write this down.
I've bought Girl Online: On Tour the other day so as soon as I've finished reading Maze Runner I will be telling you all about it and how much I loved it (I already know I'm gonna love it)

Thank you for reading 

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

I'm Back!

Hey Everyone!

I'm so sorry that I haven't posted in over a month! I mean that's pretty bad seeings as I love writing on this blog.
The reason I haven't written is because I've just had no idea what to write and every time I sat down to write something, nothing came out.
So now what I am going to do is give you an update on everything that has happened while I've been gone.

Because I live in Melbourne, I went and saw 5 Seconds of Summer perform on Sunrise and I'll go into more detail about that in it's own post.

There has been this guy that has kind of flirting with me and I don't think he gets the idea that I have friend zoned him. I didn't friend zone him because I wanted to be a bitch. I did it because I don't see him that way. He has been putting his arm around me DAILY and finding a way to compliment me, which I don't mind but eh. Honestly I have no idea if he likes me or not but all my friends are saying that he does but I seriously don't know.
What do you guys think about that? Do you think that he could possibly like me or not? Please tell me what you think.

I still have no idea what has happened recently so I'm gonna leave it there and I'll write a new blog post on seeing 5SOS at Sunrise VERY SOON!!!

Thanks for reading

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

The Joy of Being Sick

Hey Guys
If you can't tell by the title of this post 
Yep and I have been for the past 2 weeks and I can tell you that I have been living in hell for those 2 weeks. My days have consisted of shivering, coughing, sneezing, blowing my nose so much that I've gone through 3 tissue boxes and a roll of toilet paper (because we ran out of tissues), and trying different tablets to make me feel better 
 I've tried the blue Streptils first to numb my throat because it felt like I was swallowing knifes. I had one and it tasted like mouth wash which wasn't bad but it did not help at all. It took some pain away but it came back straight away.
In the middle of the night I had the Honey and Lemon Strepsils to sooth it and it didn't do anything either! I was just left with a horrible taste in my mouth with no result. 
It's funny because that day my friend told me not to try them because they don't work and I didn't believe her because I thought that everyone was different and that I would react different but NOPE. They just didn't work at all.
After that I just stuck to having panadol in the mornings, afternoons and nights and in-between that I was stuck in bed nearly coughing up my lungs while I binge watched the Brady Bunch for the whole week and a bit.
I ended up going to the doctor and she put me on anti biotic's and gave me a doctors certificate for the rest of the week but then I had to go back the next week to get another certificate and she gave me a few more days off so I had two weeks off school 

1) Make sure you have all the DVD's you want to watch in your room so you don't have to keep leaving to get new ones, just make sure you have a bunch in your room.
2) Have a bottle of water or orange juice rather than a cup because they'll last a lot longer and, again, you won't have to keep getting up and leaving the room.
3) Have tissues and a bin next to your bed because it just makes life a whole lot easier
4) Make sure you email your teachers for any work that you've missed out on, if you're still in school. Trust me on this because it will become a giant pain in the ass when you get back to school having to catch up on so much work.
5) Keep hydrated and rest as much as you can. It will help you get over your sickness quicker

I'm gonna stop here because I can't think or concentrate on anything right now because I just found out I'm having problems with my subjects for next year and I'm still sick
Thanks for reading

Sunday, 23 August 2015

A Letter to my Mum

Dear mum
I don't know when I'll read this to you.
It might be tomorrow, in a month, in a year, or in a decade.
But this is what I want you to know.
I have loved you every single day and nothing has changed how I feel about you and nothing ever will. I appreciate everything you do for us, like how you work two jobs so you could give us the things that we wanted.
You are my best friend and the best days I have are spent with you, even if we're doing nothing all day on the couch or just watching T.V those are the happiest memories for me. I can tell you anything and you will never judge me and you always find a way to make everything better and you are always on my side even when I'm wrong.
I know I tell you everyday but I just want you to know how much I love you and appreciate you and I always want you to be in my life because you mean the world to me and I don't know what I would do without you. 
You have morphed me into the person I am today and you've taught me so much in life, like how if I make a stupid mistake you'll tell me that it was something no one could tell me about it was just something I just have to learn for myself and knowing that has helped me so much.
I know that when I was younger you used to tell me that you never thought you were a good parent and I mean it when I say that you were the best mum anyone could ask for and I'm so grateful that you are mine because no one is as cool as you.
You weren't a regular mum and you know you weren't. At heart you were still 16 and you could relate to everything I was going through and when it came to my parties you knew what would be fun and what everyone would like and, for some reason, I always doubted it when I shouldn't have because it was always the best time.
I would like to say thank you for everything you have done for our family and know that we all love you incredibly and that we would be lost without you 

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Updating You

Hi Mackenzie
I haven't talked to you in a while. Actually quite a long time so I thought that I should probably update you on everything that has happened recently, even though we've already lived through it but I'll tell you again anyway in case you forget.

So I'm not doing guitar lessons at school any more! remember how much you hated it there? well now I'm getting lessons at Scarlett Music my favourite music shop and I have to coolest teacher ever! Chris is really cool and he actually know's what he's doing and he teaches me things that I'll actually need to know, unlike the other teacher where all she cared about was learning songs for guitar ensemble. Honestly I don't even know if I want to do it any more. The ensemble is getting full of year 7's who don't really know what they're doing cause they just started learning and everyone else are year 10's I'm friends with and I don't know it's like I want to keep doing it to perform at music nights but I just hate doing the rehearsals now, I used to love it but now it's kind of feeling like a chore rather then something I'm doing for fun. You'll know what I'll do but right now I have no idea

Alright so, I picked my subjects for next year and I'm really excited!
I chose to do Theatre Studies, Drama and VET Music.
I've done VET Music since year 9 and I did Drama this year and I've been loving it. I'm really excited for Theatre Studies even though it will involve quite a bit of research (I think) but there will still be performing on stage which will be so fun!
I'm mainly excited because they're fun subjects and it's what I'm interested in.

Moving on to another subject is about a boy. I think you know who I'm talking about?
He's been messaging me and he told me that we should hang out and get to know each other more and I'm kinda freaked about it because I don't look at him any other way then a friend and I'm scared that one day he might ask me out and I'll have to let him down because I don't want to ruin things between us.
I will admit though he gives one of the best hugs I've ever had, like it's not a half hug or like he's doing it because he has too, he puts feeling into it and he wraps his arms around you which feels nice. So I'll admit that I like his hugs a lot but that's it.

Going back to the music aspect of things, I started getting singing lessons this term!
It's been really good, so far she's taught me how to breathe properly which I picked up straight away without any practice and I've got a good range so I can learn any song I want to because I can go high and low. I've started learning a song which is "Break The Distance" by Ashton Edminster and it is going fantastic. I'm still not confident but she is constantly telling that I have a beautiful voice and I shouldn't be embarrassed about it and that I need to build my confidence, which is true because I am quite quiet when I sing. I can't even sing in front of my family or best friends and usually they're the first people to hear me with these types of things but not with singing.
I'll get there one day though and I'm sure you'll know that because you would've already done it.
I hope your music is going good. I know how important it is right now and that you want to go places with it so I'm wishing you all the best with it.

On that note I think I should wrap this post up and tell you more later on and not give you an overload of information that you've already been though.
Hopefully you are enjoying looking back at these memories because that's the purpose of this whole thing, so you can look at it and remember things that happened in your teenage years and get some feeling from it.

Thank you for reading
See you later