Thursday, 18 June 2015

Exam Stress

Hey Guys!

This week I am sitting exams and I am going to tell you a few things that I wish I had done before they started.

1) Study: I know this is common sense and it's something you should instantly do, but if you're like me you will hate studying.
A few ways to do it are to have flashcards ready and go through them with a friend. While they ask you a question you can answer it as a way to memorise what you will need to know.

2) Do as much as you can: This goes along with studying, don't cram it all in to the night before, Do it over a cause of a few weeks and just do what you can do, you'll find you'll be less stressed and possibly get better scores.

3) Keep your area organised: Whether you are studying on your bed or on a desk or on your kitchen table, it is important to keep the area organised and think to yourself do you have enough light? Is there too much stuff on the table? other things that go along. Clutter may lead to you being stressed.

4) Don't take study periods for granted: If your school is run the same way, during exam week you'll have some normal classes before your exam and they will allow you to study. DO NOT MUCK AROUND!!! This class is very important and you may want to just talk to your friends or play on your laptop but trust me you're only ruining it for yourself and your friend. If you use your time efficiently you will get a much better score then you would've if you didn't study

5) Read, speak, write: I know this helped me to remember my monologue and I'm sure it'll help you to remember your notes you need.
Read your notes 10 times
Say your notes 10 times
Write your notes 2 times
This is a good way to really stick the information into your brain.

6) Create a playlist: If you find you work better with music make a playlist with relaxing music, kind of stuff that has piano and is slow. The music doesn't need to have words but it'll help you be relaxed and more at ease

7) Sleep: You may get to a point where you think it is necessary to pull an all nighter. It's not worth it. Sleep is as important as food, it's what you need to get through the day. If you do feel like you need to stay up all night and study, don't do it, just go to sleep, when you're asleep your brain will be processing what you had just learnt.

8) Write a story: This may sound silly but write a short story about your study topic
For example I'm studying the origins of English. I may write a story about the evolution of the language in a fairytale form. Whatever you are learning you can write a story is whatever way you find appealing.

These were just a few ideas for you in-case you were struggling to remember things or find a good method. I hope I helped you in some way and PLEASE leave comments for any ideas that you may have because someone may find that tactic better

Thanks for reading 

Friday, 5 June 2015

You Silly Turnip

Hey guys!

Okay so, have a seat cause it's story time.
At the start of the year I made up these cards with "you silly turnip" written on them with a picture of a turnip with a face on them and my friend and I would go around the building and put them in peoples lockers. I put a card in the lockers around me because I wanted to see what their reaction would be. I never really got to see a reaction. But I did today.

Today in school I was grabbing my lunch from my locker and the semi popular boys next to my locker were jokingly bagging their friend and he was saying "You know what (blank name) is?" the other guys says "I don't know, what?" and the guy responds with "He's a silly turnip"

Straight away I called my friend over and told her about it and we thought it was just hilarious so tonight I'm making up more 'you silly turnip' cards so we can put more around the year level.

Thank you for reading and I hope someone got some inspiration for doing something for their year level.