Friday, 5 June 2015

You Silly Turnip

Hey guys!

Okay so, have a seat cause it's story time.
At the start of the year I made up these cards with "you silly turnip" written on them with a picture of a turnip with a face on them and my friend and I would go around the building and put them in peoples lockers. I put a card in the lockers around me because I wanted to see what their reaction would be. I never really got to see a reaction. But I did today.

Today in school I was grabbing my lunch from my locker and the semi popular boys next to my locker were jokingly bagging their friend and he was saying "You know what (blank name) is?" the other guys says "I don't know, what?" and the guy responds with "He's a silly turnip"

Straight away I called my friend over and told her about it and we thought it was just hilarious so tonight I'm making up more 'you silly turnip' cards so we can put more around the year level.

Thank you for reading and I hope someone got some inspiration for doing something for their year level.

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