Friday, 10 July 2015

A Message to Shane Dawson

Dear Shane
You have been in my life since 2012
I may not have been there from the very beginning, but I have been here for a few years.
Everyday I come home from school and watch your videos to laugh with you and smile with you and you put me in such a better mood.
You have been there for me when nobody else was.
The days where I would lock myself in my room and just cry because I didn't know what to do with myself, I knew that you would be there to pick me up at the end of the day to tell me that you love me and with that I am eternally grateful for you.
Today I watched your coming out video.
It breaks my heart to see you cry and to be so upset at the fact that you felt trapped and as if you didn't know what to do, turning to your eating disorder and going to therapy it made me see how much you were going through and I had no idea.
I want you to know that myself and millions of other people around the world are going to stand by your side every step of the way and love and support you like you have done for us.
In time I know that you will become happier.
I want you to ignore everyone who is being an asshole and giving you shit because you are bisexual because there is nothing wrong with it, you are who you are and the only persons opinion that matters in your life is your own. So DO NOT let someone else's words beat you down because you are better then them.
Like I said earlier, I will forever stand by your side and give you unconditional love and support through thick and thin because I know that you would do the same for me.
I love you Shane

Thank you for reading

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