This post is gonna be more personal and it made me learn a really good lesson and i really hope you get something out of it because i don't want anyone to go through anything like this.
For the past 2 months I have been talking to this guy that was my brothers friend. He was really nice and sweet and funny and we had a fake relationship and would talk to each other like we were in a relationship, he would tell me things about himself and his family and I told him a few things but not everything.
I started to trust him more and i started to really like him.
Soon my brother wasn't friends with him anymore and would always tell me to stop talking to him and get rid of him from your life and i would always just reply with a no because I didn't want to stop talking to him because I liked him. I continued to talk to him for another month.
One night I decided to ask him to hang out in the city with me, it wasn't a date it was more like two friends just hanging out, to which he accepted and we planned a day and time. I never told my brother I was hanging out with him because he would get mad at me and try to get me to stay home.
We then met up at the train station and it was the first time we had ever hung out like it was just the two of us and I couldn't be happier. When we got onto the train he was asking me about my brother and how he was. I told him that he goes on morning walks and that he see's this girl and says hello to her and that it was really sweet. I took that as nothing and we just continued our day and it was really fun. We walked around the city and we went into a music store that i've been dying to go to for ages. The day soon came to and end and we got back on the train and went home. Once he had left and I started to walk home and I got a message from my brother "Nice to see you've been talking shit about me" he said. I was completely confused and had no idea what he was talking about so i asked him. He told me that I had told the guy that he was stalking this girl to which I replied saying that, that wasn't what I said.
Immediately i messaged the guy and asked him if he had talked to my brother and he said that he hadn't and he asked why, I told him that my brother is extremely mad at me. Then the guy told me that he had messaged his best friend (who is also friends with my brother) about what I said.
I told him to stop talking to me until i was ready to talk to him.
I called my mum and told her everything and i couldn't go home because i was scared that he was gonna yell at me so I walked around to my cousins place and told her everything that happened because i'm close with her.
Later i went home and he didn't yell at me. He didn't do anything. He's not talking to me. All because this guy twisted my words and told my brother something different to what i said.
He continues to not talk to me which breaks my heart and i didn't know what to do.
I slept over at my friends house the next night and had a lot of fun. The next day when mum came to pick me up, on the way home she said to me "This guy had messaged your brother and said 'I just fucked a girl named ___" After my mum told me this I was extremely mad and instantly I blocked him on everything I had him on because i didn't want anything to do with him.
It's 4 days after everything and my brother is still not talking to me. I feel sad and angry because of everything that has happened.
If you have a guy that you are talking to and someone in your family tells you to get rid of him, do it. I know it'll be hard to but please you just have to do it because something like this could possibly happen. I was used and played just for this guy to get back at my brother. Do not let anyone get in-between you and your family because no one is more important than them.
I hope at least one person got something out of this
Please never let this happen.
Thank you for reading
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